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Navigating the Path towards Sustainable Development Goal 11: An Evaluation of Jakarta's Local Plans

Iriawan, Namira (2023) Navigating the Path towards Sustainable Development Goal 11: An Evaluation of Jakarta's Local Plans. Bachelor thesis.

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Cities worldwide have been experiencing rapid urbanization, which has brought challenges related to low-quality urban services. Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia and one of the fastest-growing megacities in the world, has also been affected by this issue, highlighting the importance of sustainable development in addressing the urbanization challenges faced by cities. Jakarta has recently released a Regional Development Plan for 2023-2026 in regards to the transitioning periods of governor. This research examines the extent to which the principles of Sustainable Development Goal 11 on Sustainable Cities and Communities are represented in the Jakarta Regional Development Plan. The study evaluates the plan's targets and their corresponding scores based on their alignment with the SDG-11 principles and indicators. A literature review has been conducted to establish assessment criteria, focusing on urban sustainability indicators. The review identified that principles, indicators (including their description and pilot tools), and funding options are crucial aspects of urban sustainability indicators. Subsequently, a qualitative content analysis was employed to evaluate the document using a scoring system ranging from 0 to 3, following the assessment criteria. The findings suggest that while the plan addresses all the principles, there is a particular emphasis on the importance of prioritizing optimal land function beyond the immediate vicinity, with a focus on accessibility. Integrating specific indicators and accessibility standards to enhance the city's sustainability efforts should be considered. The study recommends future research to delve deeper into specific targets and their strategies, aiming to gain a more comprehensive understanding of Jakarta's trajectory towards SDG-11.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Degree programme: Spatial Planning and Design
Supervisor: Woltjer, J.
Date Deposited: 26 Jul 2023 06:51
Last Modified: 26 Jul 2023 06:51

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