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(2012) Duurzame Infrastructuur: van realisatie naar praktijk. Master thesis.
Abidin, Muhammad Rizat (2012) Developing asset management system for public housing provision in Indonesia case study : low cost rental flat program, 2005-2009. Master thesis.
Adhinugraha, K. (2012) Local cultural context in community based forest management study case : Indonesia. Master thesis.
Amrullah, Arif (2012) The Influence of Community Capacity to the Effectiveness of Community-Based Water Treatment (Case of the City of Yogyakarta, Indonesia). Master thesis.
Ariaferta, Jimmy (2012) Fcators influencing farmers' attitudes towards farmland preservation programm case study : Seluma regency Indonesia. Master thesis.
Arifuddin, R. (2012) Institutional Arrangement for Fisheries Co-Management: Lessons From New Zealand and Philippines Experiences for Indonesia. Master thesis.
Casajús Vallés, Ainara (2012) Analysis of the adaptive capacity in water management of the agrarian sector in the Ebro River Basin, Spain. Master thesis.
Chaerunisa, Ira Ariani (2012) Linking stages of evaluation by including sustainability and efficiency as criteria on operated toll road in Indonesia. Master thesis.
Crooijmans, J.T.M. (2012) Externe veiligheid en ruimtelijke ordening, een explosieve combinatie? Master thesis.
Cuadrado, Gabriela (2012) Integrated Coastal Management in Costa Rica, Germany and South Africa: are international treaties put into local practice. Master thesis.
Furqan, Rifki (2012) Assessment of Adaptive Capacity on Coral Reef Conservation in Weh Islands, Indonesia. Master thesis.
Galavazi, P. (2012) Het (on)belang van samenwerking: Een wetenschappelijke zoektocht naar succesvolle interactie van samenwerking tussen publieke en private partijen in relatie tot infrastructuurprojecten in Nederland. Master thesis.
Golpe Diaz, I. (2012) Renewable Energy Generation in Spain. Master thesis.
Hasanov, M. (2012) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and its potential influence on airport development planning. Master thesis.
Hermadi (2012) Partnerships between the corporate sector and local communities in protected areas : the Gunung Halimun Salak national park case. Master thesis.
Hidayat, Ryan (2012) Community Capacity Evaluation from the Perspective of Capability Approach. Master thesis.
Hofstra, E.P. (2012) Sustainable Heating: Comparing Dutch and German Policies. Master thesis.
Hovestad, P (2012) Transit-Oriented Development in Phoenix: How the implementation of Transit-Oriented Development within the Light-Rail Corridor in Phoenix, Arizona can benefit from the insights gained from transition management and from TOD design principles. Master thesis.
Hörkner, D. (2012) The Influence of International System Consolidation on Implementation of International Environmental Regulations at the Project Level of Catchment Management. Master thesis.
Ignatev, Aleksandr (2012) Cohousing and social cohesion: consideration of habitus. The case of Berlin Baugemeinschaften. Master thesis.
Jongsma, S.F. (2012) De weg van de minste weerstand: Een studie naar de relevantie van emotionele weerstand van grondeigenaren bij het grondverwervingsproces voor weginfrastructuur. Master thesis.
Jonkman, B.N. (2012) Grootschalige toepassing van zonne-energie in Drenthe: Een verkenning van taken en kansen. Master thesis.
Kokshoorn, T. (2012) Energie in Noord-Nederland: Een verkenning naar de ambities en aanbevelingen voor organisatie. Master thesis.
Koopman, A (2012) Duurzame Ontwikkeling met de Ondergrond. Master thesis.
Lankhorst, Leon (2012) Duurzaamheid bij gebiedsgerichte infrastructuurprojecten: expliciet of impliciet? Een duurzaam referentiekader voor vergelijking tussen infrastructuurprojecten op het gebied van mate gebiedsgerichte benadering en duurzaamheid. Master thesis.
Lestari, M (2012) The needs for Play Space in Densely Populated Areas in Bandung, Indonesia. Master thesis.
Margry, K.R. (2012) Waterveiligheid in de ruimtelijke ordening. Master thesis.
Muga, E. (2012) Institution building for Local government cooperation in decentralized Indonesia (Case study: Local governments of Ngada and Nagekeo, Flores-Indonesia). Master thesis.
Murman, Achmad (2012) challenge of managing Indonesia small islands in a context of vulnerability : an adaptive co-management perspective lessons learned from Greece and Philipinnes. Master thesis.
Oehlers, L. (2012) Planning and Ethics 'the moral behind an engineering consultancy'. Master thesis.
Permana, Yusnita (2012) An Assessment of Local Government Capacity in Managing Flood (Case study: Municipality of Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia). Master thesis.
Prinsen, B. (2012) Duurzame bouwlogistiek - een kwestie van netwerk bouwen. Master thesis.
Rahardian, Roy Surya (2012) The roles of actors in the planning process - case of rural water provision in Malang regency. Master thesis.
Reitsema, Elze (2012) De integratie van klimaatmitigatie en -adaptatie op lokaal niveau. Master thesis.
Restemeyer, Britta (2012) Flood resilient cities? Resilience strategies in flood risk management and urban planning - a case study on Hamburg. Master thesis.
Roegholt, G.C. (2012) Programmamanagement: Hoe programma’s kunnen helpen om beter om te gaan met een toenemende complexiteit in ruimtelijke planning. Master thesis.
Roumen, M. (2012) The Netherlands, Germany and England: A comparison of adaptation and accommodation strategies against flooding. Master thesis.
Schaaf, W.L. van der (2012) Dorpsenergie levert watt op. Master thesis.
Sembel, Amanda.S (2012) Improving the quality of urban life in waterfront area through redesigning public open space Lesson Learned from Rotterdam Waterfront to Reclamation Area in Manado, Indonesia. Master thesis.
Setiawan (2012) Road infrastructure development to alleviate poverty in rural highland agricultural areas, the case of Wonosobo Regency. Master thesis.
Slijm, S. (2012) South Africa in transition from top down towards bottom up planning; “The fate of Hillbrow, Johannesburg”. Master thesis.
Spoelstra, M.E. (2012) Dynamisch Kustbeheer, verstandig of verzandig? Master thesis.
Sugiyono (2012) Improving Strategies in Dealing with Water Supply Fulfillment and Groundwater Conservation: Learning from Successful Policies and Practices. Master thesis.
Tirtamarina, Aulia (2012) Freshwater Strategies in the IJsselmeergebied for the Year 2100: Scenario planning, Consequences, and Policy Making Process. Master thesis.
Utami, Putri Utami (2012) Comparative Analysis of Local Road Maintenance Prioritization (Case Study: West Lombok Regency-Indonesia, The City of Hamilton-Canada, and Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality-South Africa). Master thesis.
Vanegas, Thelma (2012) Promotion of sustainable housing in the United Kingdom and lesson drawing for social housing policy in Nicagargua. Master thesis.
Veen, E.A. van (2012) Making transport more sustainable: The impact of European White Papers on national transport policy goals. Master thesis.
Ven, P.W.H. van der (2012) Prioriteiten voor de toekomst in discussie: Een onderzoek naar de doorwerking van besluitvorming in de gebiedsgerichte wegenplanning en de rol van gebiedsgerichte instrumenten daarbij. Master thesis.
Widiyatmanto, W. (2012) The building of community capacity in rural areas through the implementation of a system of rice intensification : the tasikmalaya regency case. Master thesis.
Winkelman, J.B. (2012) Herbestemmen van monumentale en beeldbepalende gebouwen: Aanbevelingen voor de overheden om het herbestemmen van monumentale en beeldbepalende gebouwen zo effectief mogelijk te laten verlopen om krimpregio's leefbaar te houden. Master thesis.
Zandvoort, M. (2012) Self-organization in the urban environment: a planner's adaptation to cohousing. Master thesis.
Zuazua Mencia, M. (2012) Analyzing coastal planning in Galicia, Spain: Natural heritage degradation by peri-urban sprawl in Ria de Pontevedra. Master thesis.